Environment and Quality

Ceramica Rondine is a leader in the manufacture of ceramic tiles and has always performed its work responsibly, with respect for the environment and for the protection of its workers' health and safety. It is unthinkable for us to talk about growth and development without considering the issues of protection and care for the environment, which represent a fundamental reference value for us in doing business and a strategic company management variable.
Indeed, Ceramica Rondine applies and updates a systematic performance check, measurement and monitoring process for the Health, Safety and Environment system, which enables it to review the management status and apply the suitable corrective and preventive actions to overcome any weaknesses and critical points identified. The application of an Environmental Management System in compliance with standard ISO 14001 and the Integrated Environmental Authorisation obtained are just some examples of the ways in which we show our commitment to contributing to Sustainable Development.

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Quality: UNI EN ISO 9001:2015

The ISO 9001 Quality Management System ensures compliance with all statutory and voluntary requirements. It provides executives with a comprehensive, up-to-date and reliable database to make informed and timely decisions. It promotes synergetic and consistent improvement of all processes managed according to the different standards.
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Workplace Health and Safety: UNI ISO 45001:2018

ISO 45001 is the prime international standard to define minimum standards for worldwide workplace safety. It protects employee health to establish a fruitful and transparent relationship with Trade Unions and Supervisory Bodies. Above all, it shows that business can and must be done in full respect of human rights.
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Environmental Certifications

Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS)

EMAS Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) is a voluntary initiative created by the EU, which companies can participate in voluntarily, to assess and improve their environmental performance, and provide the public and other relevant parties with information on their environmental management practices. The main priority of EMAS is to contribute to the implementation of sustainable economic development, highlighting the roles and responsibilities of companies.

The aim of EMAS is to encourage an ongoing improvement in environmental performance in companies, also through:

  • introduction and implementation of an environmental management system by companies;
  • information on environmental performance and open discussion with the public and other relevant parties, also through the publication of an environmental declaration.

The environmental management system stipulated by the EMAS standard is based on the ISO 14001:2004 standard, which outlines all the requirements. On the other hand, open discussion with the public is pursued by stipulating that organisations publish (or keep updated) an Environmental Declaration which outlines key details and information about the company, with regard to environmental aspects and impact.

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Environmental Management System UNI EN ISO 14001:2015

ISO 14001 certifies that our company has an adequate management system to control its environmental footprint along with the target of continuous improvement.
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Energy Management System UNI CEI EN ISO 50001:2018

ISO 50001 certification guides our organisation towards well-planned continuous improvement of energy performance.
Italcer considers it the counterpart of environmental management system, with important spin-offs in terms of economic efficiency.
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Green Building Council - Leed

Rondine Group Italy is a member of the Green Building Council Italia, an independent body that aims to develop a culture of sustainable construction and, in particular, the promotion of the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification system.
Rondine Group products contain at least 40% recycled raw material and allow their users to benefit from LEED credits.
More info www.gbcitalia.org.


EPD is an independently certified and verified environmental product declaration that provides clear and comparable information on environmental performance throughout product life, in accordance with the ISO 14025 standard.  The Italian ceramics industry has adopted this certification in 2015.
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Good Phytosanitary Practices

Ceramica Rondine, with a view to facilitating deliveries to the United States, has adhered to the guidelines of the Good Phytosanitary Practices programme of the Certiquality Inspection Body. This is a specific, relevant move that places Ceramica Rondine on the Register of Qualified Companies, and is an important step towards improving deliveries towards the USA and the timescales required.


Product Certifications


Following a positive evaluation by the French CSTB, Rondine S.p.A. it has become part of the UPEC tile producers (certificate n ° 825-0.0 / 18).
This brand constitutes a recognition of excellence in quality, concerning both the finished product and the entire production unit in which it is produced.
All Italcer production sites (plants in Rubiera, Vetto, Fiorano and Castel Bolognese) are certified and compliant with French regulatory requirements.
The production sites can be recognizable by the numbers: 825, 828, 852 and 856.
Italcer has also obtained the certification of the F+ option, concerning the products with a thickness of 2 cm, which certifies their suitability for a “dry”laying on plastic supports (feet).
The constantly updated list of certified products can be consulted at the following link:


The Ceramica Rondine product range relating to the Brick Generation range (6x25 format) has been deemed suitable by the French organization CSTB for installation on the external facades of buildings.
At the following link you can download the technical and related ATEX dossier.

SQM – Saso Quality Mark Certification

Italcer obtained Saudi Arabian SQM quality certification (Saso Quality Mark) for the export of goods to Saudi Arabia, a primary trade outlet in the Middle-East.
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RONDINE - CE 001CPR2013-07-14

Ceramica Rondine has fulfilled all its obligations for the application of EC marking to its dry-pressed ceramic tiles for interior and exterior floors and walls.
Download Certificate 1,  Download Certificate 2,  Download Certificate 3


I prodotti di Ceramica Rondine. sono conformi alle specifiche richieste per l’ottenimento del certificato cinese obbligatorio, comunemente noto come marchio CCC (acronimo dell’inglese China Compulsory Certificate).
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VOC certification is a system that measures the quantity of volatile organic compounds released by a product and labels it based on a series of classes, ranged between A+, the best class, and C, the worst class. Ceramica Rondine products do not release into the atmosphere any substances that are harmful to humans.


The Declaration of Conformity for MOCA (Materials and Objects in Contact with Food) is a necessary certification to guarantee compliance with certain mandatory requirements regarding food hygiene. The Advance range boasts the above mentioned certification.
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The KEY-MARK brand and the Certiquality-UNI brand represent a further guarantee for consumers, and certify that Italcer SpA's certified products comply with national and international regulations for ceramic tiles.

Download Certificate Marchio UNI - stab.01 Rubiera - PT0288
Download Certificate Marchio UNI - stab. 02 Vetto PT0289
Download Certificate Marchio UNI - stab. 04 Castel Bolognese PT0290